The 2024 Festival of Faiths begins Sunday, August 25

Nearly 700 people attended The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II lecture on October, 24, 2022. Barber’s remarks, which drew numerous parallels (lessons) between today’s social-political chaos and historical including biblical events, emphasized how society’s “rejected” peoples must take the lead once again to restore the moral values of our country. The “left-outs and oppressed” must take direct, collective action to reclaim our troubled nation from those whose only interests are personal power and gain. “Our times call for another moral fusion movement, when all of our marginalized peoples come together to assert their basic needs, indeed their rights, to health care, a living wage, affordable housing, access to government, a clean and safe environment, and justice under our criminal legal system,” Barber said. His hour-long lecture was insightful, challenging, and inspiring, and earned him a standing ovation.