The 2024 Festival of Faiths begins Sunday, August 25

December 6, 2016

Dear President Elect Trump,
We are a group of Muslims, Christians and Jews in Ohio called Bridges of Faith Trialogue, who have come together for the past 13 years fostering mutual respect and understanding. The Trialogue has grown into a model of interfaith dialogue and collective work for our community. In so doing, we are living the belief that our communities and our country are stronger and greater when people from diverse cultures and traditions work together on common causes.

You have been elected on a message of making America great again. You have also stated you plan to be the President for all Americans and create a country in which we can all be proud and prosperous. America is a nation built by immigrants who have enriched this country with their talent and hard work. As the new leader of the United States, it will be important that you make Americans of all religions, races, genders and cultures feel included in your goal to make America great again.

As President you must lead the effort to be inclusive of all Americans. We urge everyone to put negative rhetoric aside and for you to bring together a leadership team that can help unite Americans and move us forward together. As our new President, you cannot be successful if any segment of our society feels disenfranchised by you or your administration.

We commit as individuals, as a group and as part of many diverse groups to work with you to create a country in which no one feels excluded or becomes a victim of prejudice. Like you, we want an America that is free of racism and bigotry and believe that only by returning to these principles upon which our country that we love was founded will America reach its full potential and stand as a shining model for the rest of the world.

We implore you not to forget Abraham Lincoln’s words from his second Inaugural Address, “With malice towards none, with charity for all… let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.”

Thank you.
Bridges of Faith Trialogue
Cincinnati, Ohio