Virtual Programs Schedule

The 7th Annual Cincinnati Festival of Faiths includes wonderful virtual programs throughout the festival week. Take advantage of these offerings at no cost.

Citizens Not Politicians: How you can help advance fair districts for Ohio

Monday, August 26, 12 – 1 PM
Presented by Ariel Miller, Faith Communities Go Green (FCGG), and A Mighty Stream (AMS)

This forum will outline the citizen-led, nonpartisan constitutional amendment campaign to end Ohio’s extreme partisan gerrymandering which enables our legislators to ignore the commitment of the majority of Ohioans to voter rights, racial justice, and environmental safety. Learn how you can help pass the amendment, which is endorsed by the Ohio Council of Churches, League of Women Voters, and many other statewide civic groups. Ariel Miller, advocacy co-chair for Faith Communities Go Green, will lead this session with a speaker from Fair Districts Ohio.

How does your Faith Revere/Celebrate/Honor Mother Nature - 2 parts

Monday, August 26 & Tuesday, August 27
7 – 8:15 PM
Presented as a collaboration between Sacred Connections and Faith Communities Go Green (FCGG)

In this 2-part virtual program, presenters from nine different faith traditions will talk about how their faith celebrates/reveres/honors the various elements of mother nature; how their faith inspires them to live in harmony with Nature, as they practice their spiritual or religious traditions. Part 1 hear from presenters of these faiths:  Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Part 2  hear from presenters of these faiths: Buddhism, Sikh Faith, Indigenous Traditions,  Baha’i Faith, Brahma Kumaris.  

Aroha: What Faith Communities Can Do Now

Wednesday, August 28
7 – 8 PM
Presented by Sr. Cj Willie Ph.D. and Faith Communities Go Green (FCGG)

If those in power are acting while so many remain silent or uncertain about what they can do. STOP, REFLECT, and then REALIZE that we have pathways to make the changes needed through our religious traditions. Consider what faith communities can do NOW to care for creation.