Sacred Connections

Sacred Connections invites diverse religious groups in the Greater Cincinnati region to host an in-person event at their place of worship for interfaith learning and fellowship.

About Sacred Connections

Each religious group can choose how they wish to host their in-person event. Upcoming Sacred Connections events are listed below. They are free to attend, but registration is required, as a courtesy to the host organization.

For any questions, or information on hosting an event, please contact the Co-Chairs of the Sacred Connections Program, Becca Desai: [email protected] or Miriam Jackobs: [email protected]

Upcoming Events

Sacred Connections events are free to attend, but registration is required, as a courtesy to the host organization. Please review our upcoming events and register for those that you can attend.

Sacred Connections logo - two friends fist bumping
Sacred Connections: Sacred Friendship - MAY 4
931 O'Bannonville Rd, Loveland, OH 45140
2:00 PM
Sacred Connections logo - two friends fist bumping
Sacred Connections: Sacred Friendship - JUNE 1
8075 Keller Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243
2:00 PM